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FP&A Launchpad (Self Paced)
Section 1 - Introduction to FP&A
Before We Start...
Understanding your FP&A role (1:46)
Overview of roles in Finance & Accounting (2:07)
FP&A - A Bridge Between Business Teams & Management (2:16)
What is FP&A? (2:45)
A typical FP&A month - Part 1 (7:29)
A typical FP&A month - Part 2 (3:42)
FP&A Success Mantra (8:16)
FP&A - Roles & Job Descriptions (5:46)
FP&A Job Description Cheatsheet
Week 1: Session Slides
FP&A Calendar Cheatsheet
Quiz Week 1
Section 2 - Budgeting Concepts
What is Budgeting? (2:43)
Why is Budgeting important? (1:34)
Budget Case Discussion (3:02)
Your Role in Budgeting (Steps of Budgeting) (6:28)
Methods of Budgeting (0:37)
Top Down vs Bottoms Up Budgeting (4:34)
Incremental vs Zero Based Budgeting (10:14)
Traditional Budgets vs Rolling Forecasts (2:36)
Week 2: Session Slides
Quiz Week 2
Section 3 - Budgeting Practical Examples
Introduction - Components of a Budget (2:02)
Whats B2B and B2C? Whats the difference between B2B and B2C? (0:41)
Revenue Budget Example - B2B Business (Software Service Industry) (18:02)
Revenue Budget Example - B2C Business (Edtech Industry) (31:23)
Budget Scenario Discussion 1 (1:58)
Budget Scenario Discussion 2 (6:44)
Production COGS Budget Example (16:08)
Headcount Budget Example (18:33)
Marketing Budget Example (14:22)
Week 3: Session Slides
Budgeting Cycle (33:55)
Budget v/s Annual Operating Plan
Quiz Week 3
Section 4 - Forecasting Financial Performance
What is a Forecast? Examples of Traditional and Rolling Forecast (6:38)
Why Forecasting? (1:18)
Your Role in Forecasting (3:49)
B2B Revenue Forecast Example
B2C Revenue Forecast Example (19:23)
Forecasting Concepts - Phasing, Trends, Seasonality, One Timers (6:49)
Seasonality Example (12:38)
Week 4 : Session Slides
Traditional budget v/s Rolling Forecast Cheatsheet
Quiz Week 4
Section 5 Management Reporting I : Profitability and Variance Analysis
Quick Recap and Intro to Profitability Analysis (0:39)
What is Profitability Analysis? (3:29)
How Profitability is computed? (1:52)
What are Recharges and Allocations? (2:14)
Recharges vs Allocations (2:22)
Why recharges and allocations? - Discussion (5:54)
Steps in Allocation Exercise (0:55)
Recharges - Discussion (4:42)
What is Variance Analysis? (1:49)
Why Variance Analysis? (0:54)
Your Role in Variance Analysis (1:22)
Variance Analysis : Tools Used (1:02)
Variance Analysis - 3 Crucial Questions to Ask (4:12)
Tool : The 5 Why Technique (4:43)
Variance Analysis - Additional Tips (2:38)
Variance Analysis - 3 Crucial Questions to Ask Cheatsheet
Variance Analysis Cheatsheet
Quiz Week 5
Section 6 Management Reporting II
What are Management Reports? (1:32)
7 Qualities of a Good Management Report Carousel
Most Common Management Reports (1:11)
Month end and Quarter end Reports (3:24)
Flash Reports (1:28)
Risk & Opportunities Assessment (4:13)
Balanced Scorecards (3:55)
Balanced Scorecards - Example (1:45)
KPI's v/s OKR's (1:36)
KPI Example (2:00)
OKR's Example (3:14)
KPI's v/s OKR's Cheatsheet
Quiz Week 6
Section 7 : Presentations and Data Storytelling
What is Data Storytelling? (2:31)
Storytelling Framework - Data Sources (2:04)
Storytelling Framework - Visualization (0:32)
Effective Visualization - Tip 1 (1:22)
Effective Visualization - Tip 2 (1:08)
Guide to Selecting a Chart Type (9:51)
Effective Visualization - Tip 3 (1:00)
Effective Visualization - Tip 4 (0:56)
Effective Visualization - Tip 5 (1:26)
Data to Insights - A Case Study on Time Sheet Analysis (7:38)
Storytelling Framework - The Audience (1:53)
A Case Study - Presenting Actuals To Management (2:50)
Storytelling Framework - The Narrative (1:30)
A Case Study - Client Profitability in 2x2 Matrix (3:51)
Waterfall Chart - When To Use? (2:04)
Resource 1 : Data Visualization 101 by Hubspot
Resource 2: Tableau Visualization Guide
Resource 3: AFP's Before and After Data Visualizations
Resource 4": AFPs - Data Visualization: How to Tell Number Stories with Pictures
Resource 5: IMA's Data Visualization Guide
Data Visualisation Cheatsheet
Quiz Week 7
Section 8: Finance Business Partnering
BPI's Guide on Business Acumen
FP&A Trends Guide to Business Partnering
Business Partnering Cheatsheet
What is Finance Business Partnering? (3:36)
Difference Between FBP and Accountant (2:54)
Finance Business Partner Skills (2:18)
FPI FBP Framework Part-1 Understanding the Business (10:51)
FPI FBP Framework Part-2 Data to Insights (5:53)
FPI FBP Framework Part-3 Building Relationships (9:32)
FBP Example 1 : GM's Increment Concern (3:31)
Bonus Resources
FP&A Cheatsheet
5 Tips to Ace your FP&A Interview
Top 20 Recommended Books for FP&A
All About FP&A 2.0 (Linkedin collection)
FP&A 90 days roadmap
9 Key FP&A Functions Cheatsheet
FP&A Exit Strategies Cheatsheet
Section 9 : Data Analytics Framework
Importance of Data (1:14)
Management Accounting vs Modern FP&A (1:33)
Roadmap 4 Stages Data Analytics Framework (0:50)
Data Analysis vs Data Analytics (2:12)
Why Data Analytics is Important? (2:33)
Stage 1 : Descriptive Analytics (3:05)
Stage 2 : Diagnostic Analytics (5:40)
Stage 3: Predictive Analytics (2:21)
Stage 4 : Prescriptive Analytics (4:23)
Ecommerce Company Example Summary (1:15)
Data Analytics: Finance Applications (4:01)
Summary and Conclusion (0:32)
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Incremental vs Zero Based Budgeting
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