Content Development Policy


This policy outlines the procedures and standards for developing educational content for programs offered by FP&A Professionals Institute (FPI). The goal is to ensure that all program content is appropriate for the intended participants and meets the high standards set by relevant regulatory bodies.

1. Program Content and Knowledge Level

All program content will be developed to match the knowledge level of the intended participants. The knowledge level of each course will be clearly stated in all promotional and descriptive materials, allowing participants to assess the program's suitability for their professional development needs. The program knowledge levels are defined as follows:

  • Basic: No prerequisites required. Suitable for beginners.
  • Intermediate: Requires some prior knowledge or experience. Prerequisites will be clearly identified.
  • Advanced: Requires significant prior knowledge or experience. Prerequisites will be clearly identified.

For programs designated as intermediate, advanced, or update, any necessary prerequisite education, experience, or advanced preparation will be explicitly stated. For basic or overview level programs, any prerequisites or advance preparation requirements will be noted; if none are required, this will be clearly stated in course announcements or descriptive materials.

2. Content and Delivery Systems

Courses will be developed by individuals or teams with demonstrated expertise in the subject matter. Expertise may be demonstrated through practical experience and/or formal education. The following procedures ensure the integrity and quality of the content:

Subject Matter Expertise: All programs will be developed by qualified Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). For programs related to accounting and auditing, the involvement of at least one licensed CA / CPA (is required. For tax-related programs, the participation of a licensed CPA, tax attorney, or IRS enrolled agent (in good standing and holding an active license) is mandatory. For international tax programs, an equivalent licensed professional from the relevant jurisdiction will be involved.

Content Review: Programs will be reviewed by qualified individuals other than the developers before the first presentation and after any significant revisions. This review process ensures the content’s accuracy, relevance, and alignment with the program’s objectives.

3. Content Based on Relevant Learning Objectives

All programs will be developed with clear, relevant learning objectives and outcomes. These objectives will articulate the professional competencies that participants are expected to achieve by the end of the program. The program content will be designed to ensure that participants can apply the skills or knowledge gained in their professional practice.

Each program will clearly communicate the expected learning outcomes, answering questions such as:

1.      What will participants be able to do upon completion of the program?

2.      What skills or knowledge will participants take away from the program?

By adhering to these standards, FP&A Professionals Institute (FPI). ensures that all programs are designed to meet the educational needs of our participants and maintain the highest levels of professional integrity.